With the current cost-of-living crisis and uncertainties about the future, many of us are faced with the question: how much is our health worth to us?

We have therefore come up with a plan to help you at a time when other prices are rising – by providing you with our valuable cellular nutrient formulas at an even lower price.

Short-Term Subscription Delivery

Starting immediately, we offer to ship your requested cellular nutrient formulas automatically. This way, we will save on the administrative costs of receiving, fulfilling and shipping your orders – and will pass on 100% of those savings to you. The minimum period for this “short-term subscription” is four months.Here are two calculation examples to show you the advantages of this subscription:

  • Let’s say you normally order one container of Vitacor Plus™ each month. The total amount over four months would then be €207.40. However, with a short-term subscription, you would pay only €191.60 for the same product – that’s a saving of more than 8%.
  • Once you are convinced that our cellular nutrient formulas can permanently benefit your health, you may then choose to extend this subscription for 12 months. In that event, you will receive one delivery free of charge – or one container of Vitacor Plus™ in our example. The total savings with this subscription compared to placing a single order monthly will be more than 21%. 

All advantages of a short-term subscription:

  • Convenient: A phone call or e-mail is all it takes, and you will automatically receive your cellular nutrient formulas every two months, on the 1st or 15th of the relevant month, according to your preference.
  • Affordable: We pay the shipping cost for each delivery.
  • Flexible: Take your time and try out your cellular nutrient formulas without any long-term commitment. If you wish to change your order, you can do so after only four months. You can terminate the subscription at any time without stating any reason.
We are convinced that we will meet your needs with this offer – especially as concerns the long-term care of your health.
For more details, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by email or by free phone at:
0808 – 1 011 555*

With our very best wishes for your healthYour Dr. Rath team